“The City Born from the Sea” tells the progress of Lüderitz, a small town between the desert and the sea in southern Namibia, which has been reborn thanks to the boost of the fishing industry after the arrival of Grupo Nueva Pescanova almost 30 years ago.
Based on actual characters and stories, the main theme of the documentary is Nelago Kwedhi, the first Namibian woman to get the title of ship captain. The documentary begins in her small village in the north and continues with a journey through the Namibian desert, following the call of the sea to Lüderitz, where Nelago has found a better future.
With the arrival of Grupo Nueva Pescanova and the development of the fishing sector, Lüderitz has become a place of opportunities where people and the development of their communities are the first thing. The life of this city has been reactivated and now offers work, education and opportunities to those who decide to grow in it.
“The City Born from the Sea” is a story of overcoming and dreams achieved.